Sex Info. All about the Clitoris

Posted by D.VICE Sexpert on

The clitoris is quite literally a bundle of nerves, with more than 8000 nerve endings located in that tiny point of pleasure, named the 'glans'. The glans has more than double the number of stimulating sensors than the penis and has no other function than bring pleasure and orgasm to a woman.

Fascinating clitoris facts:

  • Did you know that the glans, more usually referred to as the clitoris, is but a tiny fraction of the sensational clitoris?
  • Did you know that a woman’s clitoris gets an erection when she is aroused?
  • Or that, for some women, the clitoris can be stimulated from inside the vagina or on the outer labia?

Identifying your genitals

The vulva is the parts of a woman's genitals that sit outside the body and includes the clit or glans, the inner and outer labia and the entrance to the vagina. Every woman’s clitoris, vulva and vagina is unique to her. Women rarely have an opportunity to see another woman's clitoris or vulva and may be comparing themselves to porn stars or strippers who most often have any protruding labia taped or surgically altered to look more prepubescent - like a young girl.
The part of the clitoris that most women and men refer to as the clit or clitoris is called the glans. The glans sits under the clit hood and is surrounded by the fleshly lips of the labia. When a woman is aroused, the clitoris fills with blood and becomes erect, the labia fills with blood and the vulva expands as well the vagina balloons or opens out and many women produce natural lubrication.

Most people are unaware that the majority of the clitoris is located inside the body – within the pelvis – and is made up of two crura or 'legs' that run down around the vaginal entrance. Like the glans - what we usually call the clitoris the crura become engorged during arousal and stroking around the vaginal opening can be highly sensational.

Around 85% of women worldwide require direct clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm

There really is no right or wrong way of achieving orgasm (provided you aren’t causing physical harm), so if it feels good, do it!

Sadly, many heterosexual couples do not realise that intercourse, in particular the favoured missionary position, is not likely to stimulate the clitoris. Except for a lucky few, most women will require some other sexual positions and/or additional stimulation of the clitoris in order to climax. How female orgasm is depicted in most porn movies is not possible and not real for most women.

Women have faked orgasm to hide this from their partners because they believe that women are supposed to be able to orgasm through intercourse, or in order not to hurt their partner’s feelings. 

The more informed you are about your clitoris and genitalia the more you can take charge of your own sexual pleasure. Exploring by yourself or with your partner, the many and varied ways you can both be pleasured and orgasmic during lovemaking, can be fun and exciting. Whether it is fingers – yours or your partner’s – a vibrator or a new sexual position, there are plenty of stimulating options to choose from.

Try looking on Google Images for vulva or labia and you will see how many and varied a woman's genitals can be.

Discover your Clitoris with a Vibrator

A clitoral vibrator is a great way to discover just how your clitoris works, what pressure, intensity and movement you need to achieve orgasm. This in turn can help you to be a more responsive and directive sexual partner if you prefer playing with someone else.

Clit vibrators can often be included in sex with a partner to ensure you get that elusive orgasm, not always easily achieved with a partner.

Be patient with your clit vibrator and try to explore and experiment, often you may be able to orgasm quickly without really experiencing your full orgasmic or multi orgasmic potential 

For full clitoral stimulation - the Lelo Sona Cruise and Sona 2 Cruise are the real deal. Deigned to gently suction onto the clit, Sona offers deep clitoral stimulation and long strong orgasm.

For tip of the clit stimulation try Lelo Siri or Ina and for the plug in explosive clit orgasm head straight for the Body Wand.

Check out the full range of D.VICE Clit vibrators and try one for yourself

We recommend always using a quality water based lube with your clit vibrator for increased sensation and to avoid any friction.



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