Sex Info. About Ejaculation & Orgasm for Men

Posted by D.VICE Sexpert on

Ejaculation and Orgasm for Men

A definition of the male orgasm.

The definition of male orgasm, from the Greek word orgasmos, is the pleasurable release of sexual tension where the muscles on the penis and pelvic floor contract.The contractions move the seminal fluid from the seminal vesicle into the urethra and then during ejaculation, if ejaculation is combined with orgasm, it will then ejaculate out the end of the penis (usually about a teaspoon of fluid). A male orgasm usually lasts about for about 30 seconds or less.  

Most people believe  that male orgasm involves ejaculation and that orgasm and ejaculation are the same thing, whereas actually they can be separated.

Immediately following the male orgasm, the body actually produces sleep chemicals which are released into the blood stream so men get a hit of sleep chemicals and often after orgasm men fall asleep.

When women orgasm, that sleep chemical does actually get released too, but it’s in a much slower way so women are much more likely to feel more chilled and really relaxed, kind of chilled out and possibly wanting to have more sexual activity whereas guys often want to roll over and go to sleep.

Ejaculation and Orgasm.

If men masturbate regularly, between the ages of 20 and 50, masturbating to ejaculation more than 5 times a week they are one third less likely to develop prostate cancer.  

This piece of research, which was published in a British journal of urology, an Australian study, states that prostatic fluid can store carcinogens. It also contains a lot of really positive things like potassium and zinc.

Regular ejaculation does have a cleansing effect, so you’re actually flushing out the bad and replacing it with the good.
Prostate stimulation, so actually male G-Spot stimulation has actually been practiced amongst Asian cultures for many hundreds of years to ensure good prostate health.There is a difference between ejaculation and orgasm, men can  learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation, so they can  ejaculate without an orgasm and  orgasm without ejaculation. Although some philosophies say that  ejaculation is actually discharging of the “chi” or the body’s life force and see that as not a positive thing.

So masturbation is a healthy activity that has benefits for your sex life with another/others...

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